Aucocisco Zephyrs | Rising 3rd - 4th


This five-day program is for our youngest participants. Daily activities include exploring our island campus, climbing our rock wall, riding our zip line, and playing in sea kayaks in the comfort of Cow Island coves. Students learn about the community through the building of new friendships, interactive games, and fun team-building activities. This program is open to Rising 3rd - 4th graders.

2025 registratION dates

  • Tuesday 1/14/25 at 7AM - Registration will open for Summer Programs to 2024 Alumni families

  • Friday 1/17/25 at 7AM - Registration will open for 2024 Waitlisted Families (those who remained on a waitlist for the entire 2024 program season)

  • Wednesday 1/22/25 at 7AM - Registration will open for all other families (new families, those not enrolled in 2024 programs, or who declined a space off the waitlist in 2024)  

    If you have any questions about which day you are eligible to register, please email us at

2025 camp weeks:

6/23 - 6/27

6/30 - 7/3

7/7 - 7/11

7/14 - 7/18

7/21 - 7/25

7/28 - 8/1

8/4 - 8/8

8/11 - 8/15

8/18 - 8/22

Drop-Off and Pick-up

  • Registration is at 7:30AM on the first day of the program and will take place at the end of the parking lot located at Ocean Gateway Terminal located at 14 Ocean Gateway Pier, Portland, Maine 04101.

  • Drop-off the rest of the week will be at 8AM

  • Pick-up is at 4:30PM each day.

2025 tuition

$540 per week

$432 the week of 6/30-7/3 (no program 7/4)



Financial Assistance for our Youth Summer Programs is available!

Please check out the SCHOLARSHIPS page of our website to learn more. Rippleffect is committed to providing affordable, accessible programs for youth. We believe that the opportunity to participate in an adventure should not be deterred by financial limitations.